What does being fit actually look like, especially as most of us generally do like, alcohol, pizza and sweet treats?!
I guess for me running wise there are a few things that contribute towards being running fit (ISH)
Four staples for any runners training plan.
- Consistency in my training - training regularly and training the right way.
- Frequency of my training - running regularly with rest/easy days.
- Intensity in my training - being able run hard on hard days, run easy on easy days.
- Staying injury free - this is a big one!! No one likes being injured, but it happens and the most important thing is how we process and deal with it.
Key points that add and contribute to feeling and being fit
Sleep - getting plenty of rest and a good night's sleep, especially before hard sessions and races
Nutrition - I know when I eat and drink well and don't fill my body with too much crap, I actually feel 100% better and not bloated and heavy. Losing weight for me definitely helps with my speed and endurance, so I have to work really hard at this point.
Mental health - we can all get stressed with external life pressures, but I certainly feel when my headspace is good, my training is good.
Being a part of a great training group - this is a great one! Being around like minded people and training with faster runners certainly spurs you on and improves your running especially if the group is supportive, positive and encouraging.
Running/race pace - we can't PB all of the time, but if we get all of the above right, we are certainly giving ourselves the best opportunity to race well and run fast and hopefully get those PBs.
Add all these points together and that's what fit (ISH) looks like, they may be different for you.